Sunday 5 July 2015

Do What Makes Your Heart Sing

This will be my last blog post as a "single" woman as, this month, I get legally married and next month is the big day where we exchange vows and rings in front of our nearest and dearest at my family home in Essex... followed by one big party! Whilst I am obviously exceedingly excited about this, I'm also making sure I don't wish the days away. The weeks to come are going to be filled with so many special moments with those I love the most and I am going to treasure every single, teeny weeny second.

It's a time for reflection at the moment and I've been thinking about the things that really make me happy and at the top of the list has to be friends and family and I'm hugely lucky that the coming couple of months are going to be jam packed with fun times with these people (especially as one of my oldest and best friends gets married the month after me - double whammy!)  The preceding months have been filled with another favourite thing which is organisation and planning so it's been a pretty good year so far.  Having a whole year dedicated to doing so many things that I love has made me realise that it is so hugely important to fill our time doing the things that fill us with happiness.

A while back I came across this quote: "Do what makes your heart sing" and I think about this a lot.  We all have things that really do make our hearts sing.  For one person it could be baking (trust that to be the first thing to spring to mind) and for the next person it could be working out at the gym.  I'm sure you can think of at least one thing that, when you do it, you lose all sense of time and before you know it, hours have gone by. When this happens it's a good sign that you are doing something you love.  Many things have this effect on me.  A perfect example is one of my favourite things - chatting to the girls (how many times have we looked at the time and about three hours have passed and we're still sat in the same place chatting away?)

Life is increasingly busy for us all and there is always something else we *should* be doing whether it's answering an email, working late etc. but what about the things that make us really happy? So often these things end up at the bottom of the list.  The things we'll only do when we have finished all the other things.  Doing what makes your heart sing is, to me, a little holiday for yourself amidst the utter craziness of modern day life.

When we 'grow-up' it's all too easy to get overcome by responsibility and the daily grind and forget to schedule the most important things in life - the things that make your soul happy.  Isn't that what life is all about - having meaningful experiences and making sure we put our happiness and the happiness of our favourite people first? Sadly, we are increasingly reminded of how life is so short and so precious so if our hearts can sing just a few times a week (or even a day) then we are onto a winner.

Everyone talks about the post wedding blues and people have asked - what will you do once it's all over?! It's easy to get bogged down with the detail when it comes to planning a wedding and that's why I'm making sure that simultaneously to all the logistics and organisation I'm mentally gearing myself up for the next chapter as a married woman (holy moly!) I'm so excited to shift my focus to building upon my life with my husband-to-be and creating more happy memories and more goals for the future but above all, making sure my heart keeps singing!

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